
Journal articles

2024 | Structure, agency, and structural reform: The case of the European Central Bank. (with D. Di Carlo, S. Diessner and M. Düsterhöft). Perspectives on Politics, Advance Online Publication.

2024 | Asset manager capitalism: An introduction to its political economy and economic geography (with B. Christophers). Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 56(2), 546-557. Introduction to the theme issue ‘Taking stock of asset manager capitalism’.

2023 | Firm foundations: The statistical footprint of multinational corporations as a problem for political economy (with T. Ergen & S. Kohl). Competition & Change, 27(1), 44–73.

2022 | Exit, Control, and Politics: Structural Power and Corporate Governance under Asset Manager Capitalism. Politics & Society, 50(4), 630–654.

2022 | Planning laissez-faire: Supranational central banking and structural reforms (with D. Di Carlo & S. Diessner). Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft, 32(3), 707–716.

2022 | Fueling financialization: The economic consequences of funded pension, New Labor Forum, 31(1), 70-79.

2021 | Financial globalization as positive integration: monetary technocrats and the Eurodollar market in the 1970s (with Arie Krampf and Steffen Murau), Review of International Political Economy, 28(4), 794-819.

2020 | Central banking and the infrastructural power of finance: The case of ECB support for repo and securitization markets, Socio-Economic Review, 18(2), 395–418.

2020 | Strong firms, weak banks: The financial consequences of Germany’s export-led growth model (with Richard Deeg), German Politics, 29(3), 358-381.

2019 | Rethinking agency in International Relations: Performativity, performances, and actor-networks (with Sebastian Schindler & Tobias Wille), Journal of International Relations and Development, 22, 787-807.

2018 | Governing through financial markets: Towards a critical political economy of Capital Markets Union (with Daniela Gabor & Marina Hübner), Competition & Change, 22(2), 101-116.

2018 | Fiscal fault, financial fix? Capital Markets Union and the quest for macroeconomic stabilization in the euro area (with Marina Hübner), Competition & Change, 22(2), 117–138.

2016 | Speaking to the people? Money, trust, and central bank legitimacy in the age of quantitative easing, Review of International Political Economy, 23(6), 1064-1092.

2016 | From performativity to political economy: Index investing, ETFs, and asset manager capitalism, New Political Economy, 21(3), 257-273.

2015 | Governing the future: The European Central Bank’s expectation management during the Great Moderation, Economy and Society, 44(3), 367-391.

2015 | Preparedness, crisis management and policy change: The euro area at the critical juncture of 2008–2013, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 17(3), 419-441.

2014 | Why models matter: The making and unmaking of governability in macroeconomic discourse, Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, 7 (2014), 48-79.

Edited volumes

2022 | Capital Claims: Power and Global Finance. Edited with Kai Koddenbrock. Routledge.

Book chapters

2022 | The three phases of financial power: Leverage, infrastructure, and enforcement (with Kai Koddenbrock). In Capital claims: The power of global finance. Edited by B. Braun and K. Koddenbrock. Routledge.

2022 | Zentralbanken, (De-) Kommodifizierung und (De-) Globalisierung. In De-Globalisierung: Forschungsstand und Perspektiven, edited by S. Schirm, A. Busch, S. Lütz, S. Walter, and K. Zimmermann. Nomos.

2021 | American asset manager capitalism as a corporate governance regime. In: The American Political Economy: Politics, Markets, and Power, edited by J. Hacker, A. Hertel-Fernandez, P. Pierson, & K. Thelen. Cambridge University Press. Featured in New York Magazine; Chartbook #82; Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

2021 | Central bank planning for social purpose In: Pandemic Exposures Economy and Society in the Time of Coronavirus, edited by D. Fassin & M. Fourcade. HAU Books.

2020 | Central banking, shadow banking, and infrastructural power (with Daniela Gabor). In: International Handbook of Financialization, edited by P. Mader, D. Mertens, and N.v.d. Zwan. Routledge.

2018 | Central bank planning? Unconventional monetary policy and the price of bending the yield curve. In: Uncertain Futures: Imaginaries, Narratives, and Calculation in the Economy, edited by J. Beckert and R. Bronk. Oxford University Press.

Policy reports

2021 | Under new management: Share ownership and the growth of UK asset manager capitalism (with Adrienne Buller). London: Common Wealth.

2021 | Central banking beyond inflation. Berlin: Finanzwende & Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

2020 | Against amnesia: Re-imagining central banking (with Leah Downey). Zurich: Council on Economic Policies.

2019 | Vanishing Act: The Eurogroup’s Accountability. Brussels:Transparency International EU.

2017 | Two sides of the same coin? Independence and accountability of the European Central Bank. Brussels:Transparency International EU.