
Interviews and articles


2023 | Pillars of post-neoliberal finance, The Syllabus, 8 May.

2023 | Pension funds and financialization, Follow the Money, 27 April.

2023 | Asset manager capitalism (in Danish), Information, 1 April.

2023 | Asset manager capitalism (in German), FuW, 10 March.

2022 | The political role of the European Central Bank (in German), OXI, 29 September.

2022 | Interview on financialization and monetary policy in Chile and beyond, Tercera Dosis, 11 March.


2024 | Wer beherrscht die Unternehmen heute?, Makronom, 11 January.

2023 | Die Aktienrente ist eine Finanzialisierungsmaschine, Jacobin, 20 January.

2021 | Titans: Tracing the rise and the politics of asset manager capitalism, Phenomenal World, 6 November.

2021 | Beware the low-hanging fruit, IPS Journal, 3 March.

2020 | Die gefährliche Finanzialisierung der Pflege, Makronom, 8 October.

2020 | Sozialisiert die Zentralbankplanung, Jacobin, 29 September.

2020 | Enlarging the ECB mandate for the common good and the planet, Social Europe, 8 June.

2020 | Socialize central bank planning, Progressive International, 18 May.

2018 | Geld ohne Gold, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 7 October.

2018 | How central bankers shape financial markets, FT Alphaville, 23 August.

2016 | Vom Zentralbanker zum Zentralplaner?, MPIfG Newsletter, 1/2016.

2016 | Schäuble vs Draghi: German losses from ECB policy are real but self-inflicted, LSE EUROPP Blog, 12 May.

2016 | Was hinter der deutschen Kritik an der EZB steckt, Makronom, 4 May.

2015 |Eine heimliche Weltmacht greift nach unserem Geld (book review), Soziopolis, 3 Nov.

2015 | The power and impotence of billions, Max Planck Society Researcher report, 3 August.

2014 | Die neun Mythen der Geldpolitik, Capital, 4 June.

2013 | Vergesst das Dogma der Unabhängigkeit, ZEIT ONLINE, 24 June.