Political economy of finance in Europe: Week 3
Why do we do this?
Current account balance
International investment position
Bilateral international investment position
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Install packages (you need to do this only once; code can be deleted or commented out afterwards):
Load the packages (you need to do this every time you open this script):
Why do we do this?
Current account balance
International investment position
Bilateral international investment position
Let’s say we want to download and plot a time series of the UK’s current account balance.
) and series (BOP
)Current Account, Total, Net, US Dollars
| Series: BOP
We’ll be working in the Tidyverse
: A beginner-friendly ‘dialect’ of R supported by a collection of packages.
# A tibble: 54 × 5
Indicator period REF_AREA `Reference Area` value
<chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Current Account, T… 1970-01-01 GB United Kingdom 1970.
2 Current Account, T… 1971-01-01 GB United Kingdom 2717.
3 Current Account, T… 1972-01-01 GB United Kingdom 533.
4 Current Account, T… 1973-01-01 GB United Kingdom -2412.
5 Current Account, T… 1974-01-01 GB United Kingdom -7448.
6 Current Account, T… 1975-01-01 GB United Kingdom -3465.
# ℹ 48 more rows
from the {janitor} package let’s us rename variables according to a consistent scheme:# A tibble: 54 × 5
indicator period ref_area reference_area value
<chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Current Account, Tot… 1970-01-01 GB United Kingdom 1970.
2 Current Account, Tot… 1971-01-01 GB United Kingdom 2717.
3 Current Account, Tot… 1972-01-01 GB United Kingdom 533.
4 Current Account, Tot… 1973-01-01 GB United Kingdom -2412.
5 Current Account, Tot… 1974-01-01 GB United Kingdom -7448.
6 Current Account, Tot… 1975-01-01 GB United Kingdom -3465.
# ℹ 48 more rows
to use to populate it.geom_col
. And let’s give the plot a title.Now that’s nice, but this is a class about finance, not trade. So what about the UK’s international investment position?
International investment position:
Shows an economy’s stock of external financial assets and liabilities at a particular point
This stock is the result of past external transactions measured according to current market values
Why do we do this?
Current account balance
International investment position
Bilateral international investment position
#Load data using mask method
#Convert data frame to tibble format
bop_imf <- as_tibble(bop_imf_raw)
#Remove rows with missing values
bop_imf <- bop_imf |>
#Clean variable names via 'janitor' package
bop_imf <- clean_names(bop_imf)
#Change confusing country variable name
bop_imf <- bop_imf |>
rename(country = "reference_area")
To produce the plot on the next slide, we need corresponding assets and liabilities to have identical character values. So let’s create a variable bop_items that fulfils this requirement:
bop_imf <- bop_imf |>
mutate(bop_item = case_when(
str_detect(indicator, "Derivatives") ~ "Derivatives",
str_detect(indicator, "Direct Investment") ~ "Direct investment",
str_detect(indicator, "Other Investment") ~ "Other investment",
str_detect(indicator, "Debt Securities") ~ "PF: Debt securities",
str_detect(indicator, "Direct Investment") ~ "Direct investment",
str_detect(indicator, "Equity") ~ "PF: Equity and fund shares",
str_detect(indicator, "Reserve Assets") ~ "Reserve assets"))
Since bop_items no longer contains any information about whether we’re looking at an asset or a liability, let’s add a separate asset/liability label variable:
It turns out the indicator column contained two variables—a no-go for tidy data. What we’ve done: We’ve separated the names of the financial instruments from the asset/liability label.
Now we can give a negative sign to all liability values:
p <- bop_imf |>
filter(ref_area %in% c("BR", "CN", "DE")) |>
filter(period > "1999-01-01") |>
filter(!is.na(bop_item)) |>
ggplot(aes(x = period, y = value/1000000, fill = bop_item)) +
geom_col() +
geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
scale_fill_manual(values=okabe_ito()) +
labs(y = "USD trillion",
x = NULL,
fill = "BoP item") +
facet_wrap(vars(country), scales = "free_y") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
Now that’s nice, but I want to know about my country’s bilateral IIP.
Why do we do this?
Current account balance
International investment position
Bilateral international investment position
Bilateral IIP data is not available from the IMF. For European countries, we can go to Eurostat, which luckily is also available via DBnomics
I started selecting the same BOP items as above for Italy here.
#Eurostat BoP data via rdbnomics package: Assets, liabilities, net-position
#To break down 'Other investment', use FA__O__F2+FA__O__F4+FA__O__F519+FA__O__F81
bop_bil_raw <- rdb("Eurostat", "bop_iip6_q", mask = "Q.MIO_EUR.FA__D__F+FA__F__F7+FA__O__F+FA__P__F3+FA__P__F5.S1.S1.A_LE+L_LE+N_LE.AT+BE+HR+CY+EE+FI+FR+GR+IT+LV+LT+MT+PT+SI+SK+ES+IE+LU+NL+CH+OFFSHO+CN_X_HK+UK+HK+JP+US+IN+RU+BR+WRL_REST.IT")
#Remove missing values
bop_bil <- bop_bil_raw[!is.na(value)]
#Transform data frame into tibble
bop_bil <- as_tibble(bop_bil)
#Clean variable names
bop_bil <- clean_names(bop_bil)
#Convert values to € million to € billion
bop_bil <- bop_bil |>
mutate(value = value/1000)
#Rename BOP items for plotting
bop_bil <- bop_bil |>
mutate(bop_item = case_when(
str_detect(bop_item_2, "direct investment") ~ "Direct investment",
str_detect(bop_item_2, "other investment") ~ "Other",
str_detect(bop_item_2, "debt securities") ~ "PF: Debt securities",
str_detect(bop_item_2, "equity") ~ "PF: Equity and fund shares",
str_detect(bop_item_2, "derivatives") ~ "Derivatives"))
#Select relevant variables
bop_bil <- bop_bil |>
select(geo, country, country_partner, period, stk_flow, bop_item, value)
#Rename partner countries
bop_bil <- bop_bil |>
pivot_wider(names_from = country_partner,
values_from = value) |>
rename("China" = "China except Hong Kong") |>
pivot_longer("Austria":"Rest of the world",
names_to = "country_partner",
values_to = "value")
#Add negative sign to liabilities
bop_bil <- bop_bil |>
mutate(value = if_else(stk_flow == "L_LE", -1*value, value))
p <- bop_bil |>
filter(stk_flow != "N_LE") |>
filter(!country_partner %in% c(
"Rest of the world", "Cyprus", "Malta", "Estonia",
"Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Latvia", "Lithuania")) |>
ggplot(aes(x = period, y = value, fill = bop_item)) +
geom_col(position = "stack") +
scale_fill_manual(values= okabe_ito()) +
labs(y = "EUR billion",
x = NULL,
fill = "BoP item") +
scales = "free", nrow = 4) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
bop_bil <- bop_bil |>
mutate("country_group" = case_when(
country_partner %in% c("Brazil", "China", "India", "Russia") ~ "BRICs",
country_partner %in% c("Hong Kong", "Offshore financial centers", "Switzerland") ~ "Financial centers - non-EU",
country_partner %in% c("Ireland", "Luxembourg", "Netherlands", "Malta", "Cyprus") ~ "Euro area - Financial centers",
country_partner %in% c("Austria", "Belgium", "Croatia", "Cyprus", "Estonia",
"Finland", "France", "Greece", "Italy", "Latvia", "Lithuania",
"Portugal", "Slovenia", "Slovakia", "Spain") ~ "Euro area - rest",
.default = country_partner
p <- bop_bil |>
filter(stk_flow != "N_LE") |>
filter(period >= "2008-01-01") |>
filter(!country_group %in% c("Rest of the world", "Japan")) |>
group_by(period, country_group, bop_item, stk_flow) |>
summarise("value" = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
ggplot(aes(x = period, y = value/1000, fill = bop_item)) +
geom_col(position = "stack") +
scale_fill_manual(values= okabe_ito()) +
labs(y = "EUR trillion",
x = NULL,
fill = "BoP item") +
facet_wrap(vars(country_group), scales = "free_x") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
LSE | EU469 | Week 3